We are fastidious and experienced proof readers of doctoral candidates’ dissertations. We have read 115 theses in the past 14 years plus reports, papers and journal articles, so we know what it takes to refine a thesis for submission. Please email Dr Bronte Somerset, or phone 0487635539 to talk to us about your research and your research writing progress.

Are you nearly ready to submit your thesis?

  1. Two people read, and collaborate on, each thesis.
  2. We check: spelling, grammar, punctuation, hyphen use and typos; hedging, split infinitives, tautologies and tense; sentence construction, logical sequencing, repetitions, clarity and incomplete or over-complicated sentences; and calculations where possible.
  3. Conformity to your referencing style will be checked in text and in the reference list. Reference cross-checking is available.
  4. We write a report for each candidate with editorial, proofreading, formatting and referencing comments.

Cost for proofreading is determined by the quality of writing. Thus, Stage 2 costs less than Stage 1. Please see our MOU for details.

This is our process

Upon receipt of your work, we will send you a provisional QUOTE and an estimated TIMEFRAME. Our REPORT on your thesis usually includes editorial, proofreading, referencing and formatting comments. We need to know that your SUPERVISOR has read your work, the REFERENCING STYLE you have used, and if you have any special instructions. We also need your university's rules for the USE OF AI in theses and your faculty's thesis FORMATTING GUIDELINES. An INVOICE will be sent upon completion of our work. Your University may fund this work.

Here are our proofreading costs, pls. see the MOU | Formatting only pls. see the MOU

Once we have completed our work to your satisfaction, we delete your thesis from our records.

Stymied by Referencing?

For instant in text and reference list examples of various combinations, try this very easy to use referencing style database re : Cite from the University of Melbourne, for APA 7th, IEEE, Harvard, Chicago A and B, Vancouver, MLA and AGLC.

APA 7th resources: APA | Grammar | Referencing | Handouts | Sample Papers | APA 7th Blog | TIPS for Thesis Writing and Formatting

Our clients

We have helped doctoral candidates prepare their PhD theses for submission from universities including:

Other clients have been from: Kimberly Aboriginal Law and Culture Centre (KALACC) | Concord Repatriation Hospital | Department of Health | Department of Primary Industries.

Thoroughly Modern Theses Bronte Somerset, EdD (UTS, 2008)

Last updated August, 2024